Effective Communication
Take some time to think…
How can I improve my communicate skills?
How can we communicate with our subordinates effectively?
How can we seek for the needs and values of customers through effective communication?
How do we convert miscommunication into effective communication?
What experts say about Change
Mr. Sunny Wong
Former Executive Director of Tibet Water Resources Ltd
Former Chairman of Carlsberg Greater China
Part 1: Leader as a mentor
Part 2: Characteristics of leader
Part 3: Put mission and team first
The most important thing in communication is
to hear what isn’t being said.
– Peter F. Drucker
(Adapted from “A World of Ideas”, Transcript of Interview by Bill Moyers, 1989)
As the first such basic competence,
I would put the willingness, ability, and self-discipline to listen.
Listening is not a skill; it is a discipline. Anybody can do it.
All you have to do is to keep your mouth shut.
– Peter F. Drucker
(Adapted from “Managing the Non-Profit Organization”, P.20)
Drucker Articles Excerpt
“Competencies of a Leader”
Keep your eyes on the task, not on yourself.
The task matters and you are a servant.
Most organizations need somebody who can lead regardless of the weather.
What matters is that he or she works on the basic competencies.
As the first such basic competence, I would put the willingness, ability, and self-discipline to listen.
Listening is not a skill; it is a discipline. Anybody can do it.
All you have to do is to keep your mouth shut.
The second essential competence is the willingness to communicate, to make yourself understood.
That requires infinite patience. The next important competence is not to alibi.
Say: “This doesn’t work as well as it should. Let’s take it back and reengineer it.”
The last basic competence is the willingness to realize how unimportant you are compared to the task.
Leaders subordinate themselves to the task.
When effective leaders have the capacity to maintain their personality and individuality,
even though they are totally dedicated, the task will go on after them.
They also have a human existence outside of the task.
Otherwise they do things for personal aggrandizement, in the belief that this furthers the cause.
They become self-centered and vain. And above all, they become jealous.
(Adapted from “Managing the Non-Profit Organization”, P.20)
What is the key to effective communication?
List the Change you are going to make now.