Social Concern
Take some time to think…
How can I contribute to the society through my work?
How can we help subordinates with realizing citizenship through their works?
How can the organization implement the Corporate Social Responsibility while making profits?
How do we build a society of organizations and create the community?
What experts say about Change
Mr. David Fong
Managing Director of Hip Shing Hong (Holdings) Company Ltd
Part 1: Purpose and mission of the entreprise
Part 2: Nature of our business
The question is not: “What do I want to contribute?”
It’s not: “What am I told to contribute?”
It is: “What should I contribute?”
– Peter F. Drucker
(Adapted from “Management Challenges for 21st Century”, P.180)
Finally there is one continuing theme,
from the earliest to the latest is that of the Freedom, the Dignity,
the Status of the Person in Modern Society,
the role and function of organization as an instrument of
Human Achievement, Human Growth, and Human Fulfillment,
and the need of the individual for both, society and community.
– Peter F. Drucker
(Adapted from “The Ecological Vision: Reflections on the American Condition”, P.449 & 450)
Drucker Articles Excerpt
“Social Problems as Business Opportunities”
It is the job of business to convert change into innovation, that is, into new business.
And it is a poor businessman who thinks that innovation refers to technology alone.
Social change and social innovation have throughout business history been at least as important as technology.
After all, the major industries of the nineteenth century were, to a very large extent,
the result of converting the new social environment – the industrial city –
into a business opportunity and into a business market.
This underlay the rise of lighting, first by gas and then by electricity, of the streetcar and the interurban trolley,
of telephone, newspaper, and department store – to name only a few.
The most significant opportunities for converting social problems into business opportunities
may therefore not lie in new technologies, new products, and new services.
They may lie in solving the social problem, that is, in social innovation,
which then directly and indirectly benefits and strengthens the company or the industry.
The success of some of the most successful businesses is largely the result of such social innovation.
(Adapted from “Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices”, P.337-338)
How can we focusing on making profit while fulfilling social responsibility?
List the Social problems that bring about business opportunities.